Open to all, but particularly relevant for line managers, HR staff, workplace representatives, and wellbeing champions, this session covers the community of practice for mental health and wellbeing set up by TSSA.
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Welcome to Rail Wellbeing Live 2024
Our 2024 opening session focusses on mental wellbeing. We discuss the critical issues rail workers face in these uncertain times. Life post-covid seems to be relentless. The cost-of living-crisis has taken hold, and we’re constantly facing challenges at work, whether that be budgets, safety or job security. Our discussion focuses on strategies to foster mental resilience, provide robust support systems, and create a healthier work environment.

Taming anxiety
If you or someone you know struggles with anxiety this session will provide tips and tools that can be used to manage anxiety. Psychotherapist, Dr Aaron Balick covers everything from the difference between feeling anxious and having anxiety, to common anxiety disorders and how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can help.