During this 5-Minute Wellbeing video, Jane Nickels, Admiral Nurse at Dementia UK takes us through the basics of how best to communicate with someone who has dementia. Jane explains some of the barriers that may be present and how these can be overcome.
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Relax and unwind
Join Catherine Annis for 30-minutes to learn some simple breathing and movement techniques to help you unwind, release stress and unnecessary tension. Catherine briefly introduces the Vagus nerve and show how we can access it to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure and heart rate and improve sleep. This is a soothing session, suitable for everyone, regardless of movement experience and ability.

Smart snacking
Snacking seems so simple. If you’re hungry, eat! And let’s be honest, we all snack. But do we all snack smart? With a bit of planning and attention to some basic knowledge, you can be a much smarter snacker. In this session, our guest speaker, Lucy Kerrison, discusses strategies for smart snacking which will help supply you with all the daily fibre and nutrients you need, stopping the post-snack guilty feeling.

Wim Hof breathing method
*Warning: please only take part in this activity if you are able. Stop taking part if you experience any dizziness, sickness or ringing in your ears*
The Wim Hof Method is scientifically proven to reduce inflammation in the body caused by stress. In this session, Nina Finlay, a certified Wim Hof Method instructor, provides a fully guided Wim Hof Method Breathing Session which you can incorporate into your daily life.