Our 2024 opening session focusses on mental wellbeing. We discuss the critical issues rail workers face in these uncertain times. Life post-covid seems to be relentless. The cost-of living-crisis has taken hold, and we’re constantly facing challenges at work, whether that be budgets, safety or job security. Our discussion focuses on strategies to foster mental resilience, provide robust support systems, and create a healthier work environment.
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The art of saying 'no'
Have you ever wondered where to draw the line? Do you find yourself over-committing, people-pleasing, or have a fear of upsetting others? Setting personal boundaries is one of the most essential tools for healthy living. It also happens to be one of the hardest things to do.
Psychotherapist, counsellor and author, Jennie Miller delves into the art of saying ‘no’. She shares tips on how to set boundaries, whether it is in the workplace, with friends or at home.

Living in the present
Gelong Thubten is a Buddhist monk and author of Handbook for hard times, A monk’s guide to happiness and co-author of How to be human. In this session, he shares how to optimise mental performance through the mindfulness practice of being in the moment. The session explores stress reduction, mental focus and emotional resilience, and provides tools for integrating ‘micro-moments’ of mindfulness into a busy working life.

Beneath the hard hat
Passionate about helping others, Andy Baines-Vosper, recently founded Beneath the Hard Hat, a video series for railway people that promotes positive mental wellbeing, with suicide prevention at its heart.