We know that the pandemic has impacted the mental health of our workforce. So what can we do to keep ourselves and others well? Hear about strategies for protecting wellbeing and where you can look for support.
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Living with pain: from fighting to flourishing
Vidyamala Burch has suffered with chronic pain for over 30 years due to congenital weakness, a car accident and unsuccessful surgery. She is now a wheelchair user. In this positive and reassuring talk, she identifies that it is our resistance to pain which causes it to be so distressing and miserable. She shares easy-to follow breathing techniques and powerful mindfulness meditations teach you how to live in the present moment.
The art of saying 'no'
Have you ever wondered where to draw the line? Do you find yourself over-committing, people-pleasing, or have a fear of upsetting others? Setting personal boundaries is one of the most essential tools for healthy living. It also happens to be one of the hardest things to do.
Psychotherapist, counsellor and author, Jennie Miller delves into the art of saying ‘no’. She shares tips on how to set boundaries, whether it is in the workplace, with friends or at home.