Small changes to the way we think can have a very big effect on our overall happiness. Psychologist Bruce Hood shares seven happiness hacks that we can incorporate into everyday life which can boost our mood in the long term.
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Young people and mental health
Positive mental health allows adolescents to think, learn and thrive. Watch this 5-Minute Wellbeing film for practical tips to boost the mental health of the young people in your life.

RWL '23 preview - Wendy McCristal and Rupert Lown
Wendy McCristal and Rupert Lown discuss the importance of good mental health, especially for those in lone working roles. They talk about the health challenges especially faced by shift workers and how they can take control of their wellbeing while working long and irregular hours.

Together Raising Awareness for Mental Health (TRAM)
This session is all about TRAM, a programme that’s equipping Metrolink frontline workers with the skills to support people in emotional distress, at the same time as protecting their own mental health and wellbeing.