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Physical health

Footcare for the railway industry

Good footwear that meets health and safety requirements is essential in the industry but knowing how to take care of what goes inside your boots (feet) is also important. By taking care of your feet, foot and ankle injuries can be avoided. This can also improve overall comfort when working long hours on uneven surfaces. Kelly Edwards, a podiatrist with experience working with the railway industry, shows you simple ways to help you feel better and healthier on your feet.

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Symbol of a person crouched down, shivering

Strategies for coping with trauma

Working in the rail industry can expose people to potentially traumatic events. As a manager, you want to be equipped with the tools to protect and support your team. The team and organisation around a person can play a big role in a person's recovery after an event. This session gives practical steps managers can take before, during and after an event to reduce the risk to mental health. Managers will also learn how they can protect themselves from burnout and vicarious trauma when supporting trauma-exposed colleagues.

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